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Assyrian American National Federation, Inc. (AANF) 
Chicago, Illinois USA

Website: www.aanf.org

Banner: Assyrian American National Federation (AANF)
About: The Assyrian American National Federation strives to unite the Assyrian Nation by protecting and promoting the progression of Assyrian culture, education, religion and humanitarian rights.

Established in 1933 by the Assyrian community of the United States, the Assyrian American National Federation, Inc. (AANF) is a Federation of Assyrian Associations in the United States.  AANF is a 501C-3 Not-For-Profit Organization and member of the Assyrian Universal Alliance.

Historically, the Federation, as the Assyrian National Federation, had its birth in the fateful year of 1933, and was inspired by the merciless massacres of the Assyrians in Iraq.  On October 19, 1933, the National Emergency Committee called a General Mass Meeting at West New York, New Jersey, where by resolution, the Committee was authorized to call a General Convention of Delegates to be held in Yonkers, New York. Accordingly, the convention was (after two days of deliberation) adjourned to meet again on November 19, 1933, at New Britain, Connecticut, where the constitution and Bylaws were prepared and adopted.  At this convention, the venerable Captain Alex Ameer of Yonkers was elected as the first president of the Federation.

The original associations represented at the first convention were the Assyrian National Union, Inc., of Massachusetts, the Assyrian National Association of Yonkers, New York, the Assyrian National Association of Connecticut, the Assyrian Christian Aid Society of Philadelphia, Pa., the Newark Branch of New Jersey and the Emergency Committee of West New York, New Jersey.

AANF logoIn 1936, the Federation adopted its insignia produced on the cover of this book, symbolic of the purposes and ideals of the Federation, bearing the following interpretations:

The circular outline of the insignia designates perpetuity, the three stars along the border represent the three stars on the flag and designate the three principal component sectional groups of Assyrians.  The purple, white and red colors are the colors of the flag-denoting loyalty, purity and determination respectively -- the red also being reminiscent of the sacrificial blood shed by the Assyrian patriots and Christian martyrs.  The five-legged-winged lion; with a bearded man's head, is the ancient Assyrian coat-of-arms; the chain on which the lion of stands designates unity and the linking of the several Assyrian factions into one strong bond.  The open book represents the intellectual contributions of the Assyrians to the world; the cross on the left-hand side of the open book designates the Assyrians as the first ethnic group of people to embrace Christianity and the first Christians to spread the Gospel of Christ through their missionaries to the four corners of the earth; the lighted lamp on the right-hand side of the open book represents the Assyrians as the Original light of the world in contributing to the civilization knowledge of the fundamental sciences.

In 1958, the name of the Federation was changed to the Assyrian American Federation, Inc. and in 1962 the Federation was incorporated in the state of New York as the Assyrian American Federation, Inc..  Affiliated with the Assyrian Universal Alliance in 1968.  In 1982, the present name of the Assyrian American National Federation, Inc. was adopted.

Pride and glory in the ancient dignity of our ancestors entail the assumption of certain obligations towards the remnant of our race, the numerous unrelated and disconnected associations, no matter how great or useful individually, cannot fulfill such obligations.  The essential nature of the Assyrian American National Federation, Inc., is to assure functional unity among Assyrian organizations.

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