Server Information
Website statistics:
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over 50,000 unique visitors per month, coming
from 100+ different countries |
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over 100 GB (gigabytes) of information (documents,
photos, audio and video) is transmitted monthly
to those visitors |
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over 1,000,000 hits per month are received and
maintained by the server |
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GB (gigabytes) of existing data files, consisting of
audio, video, images, photographs and thousands
of web documents, gradually being updated to the
various websites |
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the server has monthly expenses, similar to any
company or organization having an Internet
presence. Due to our increasing website
growth and bandwidth usage (amount of
information viewed by Internet visitors), the
server is now financed primarily by
partners, sponsors,
business affiliations and
individual donations. |
are a volunteer-based organization. The people developing the
website(s) are Assyrian activists, artists, authors, engineers, journalists,
scholars and students, and their scope of work and participation
varies according to their professional experience and skill levels. There are
also English-speaking scholars who write, translate and
forward articles. We are volunteers and devote our time to bring
tangible results for our communities.
support Assyrian activists and friends of Assyrians.
Assyrian Forums Make a difference, collaborate and share information! Register and
share your activism in the Assyrian Forums.
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shopping and purchasing items through our business affiliations website
Fundraise — having fundraising efforts within your local organizations and
communities to financially support our
Internet presence
Volunteer —
volunteering to write articles or gathering historical
documentation and photographs, and sharing that information with
us through our
development forums
which will eventually appear on various sections of the website
Are you part of an active Assyrian organization or business?
Are you interested in sharing your knowledge with fellow Assyrians?
Assyrian Forums Make a difference, collaborate and share information! Register and
share your activism in the Assyrian Forums.
activist \ak-ti,-vist\ noun (1915) 1 : a person who campaigns for political or social change 2 : a doctrine or practice that emphasizes direct vigorous action (as a mass demonstration) in support of or opposition to one side of a controversial issue — ac•tiv•is•m \ak-tiv-,iz-em\ noun — ac•tiv•is•tic \ak-tiv-,'is-tik\ adjective
mentor \'men-tór, 'ment-er\ noun [Latin, from Greek Mentor] 1 cap : a friend of Odysseus entrusted with the education of Odysseus' son Telemachus 2 : an experienced person in an organization or institution who trains and advises new employees or students 3 a : a trusted counselor or guide b : TUTOR, COACH — men•tor•ship \-,ship\ noun
moderator \'mäd-e-,rät-er\ noun (1560) 1 : one who arbitrates : MEDIATOR 2 : one who presides over an assembly, meeting, or discussion: as a : the presiding officer of a Presbyterian governing body b : the nonpartisan presiding officer of a town meeting c : the chairman of a discussion group 3 : a substance (as a graphic) used for slowing down neutrons in a nuclear reactor — mod•er•a•tor•ship \-,ship\ noun
teacher \te-cher\ noun (14th century) [Aramaic: malpana | Assyrian: mulammidu] 1 : one that teaches; esp : one whose occupation is to instruct 2 : a Mormon ranking above a deacon in the Aaronic priesthood
Sources: Helsinki Neo-Assyrian Dictionary | Aramaic Dictionary | Oxford English Dictionary | Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary