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300 GB (gigabytes) of existing data files, consisting of audio, video, images, photographs and thousands of web documents, gradually being updated to the various websites
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To preserve.  To inform.  To inspire.

About AIM

Welcome to Assyrian Information Management (AIM), the virtual Internet-based academic repository which created and continues to manage atour.com was founded on December 10, 1996, during the early years of the Internet.  The organization's primary objective is to promote Assyrian history, language and culture by having editorial independence to present our perspective and related information into accurate articles, freely available for everyone.

AIM has developed and managed many Assyrian-related projects.  AIM is also independent of political persuasion, tribal affiliation, religious creed and is financed primarily by partners, sponsors, business affiliations and individual donations.

We are socially responsible and believe in promoting Assyrian businesses and organizations by investing in their goods and services.  We accomplish this by advertising their banners through our highly effective website advertising platform.

We are selective in choosing companies and organizations to list in our advertising system.  This ensures our Internet presence and advertising system are free from distracting marketing clutter that is present throughout the Internet.  We do not accept any outside advertisements, preferring to manage our own affiliation, advertising and search systems.

In addition to balancing between selective business affiliations and conscious capitalism, we freely promote Ad Council public service announcements of significant public issues to create awareness, cultivate understanding and motivate action within our communities.

The server system and its websites consisting of web documents, images, photographs, audio and video files, are blended together to form a unique Internet presence — an activist model of operations and independence.

Activist model summary:

  • Independent, trusted, professional online presence
  • Thousands of Assyrians visit monthly for activism and research
  • Respected by Assyrian individuals, activists and organizations
  • Referenced by universities, websites and search directories
  • Unique activists' publishing features and information
About AIM Personnel

ActivistsWe are a volunteer-based organization.  The people developing the website(s) are Assyrian activists, artists, authors, engineers, journalists, writers, scholars and students, and their scope of work and participation varies according to their professional experience and skill levels.  There are also English-speaking scholars who write, translate and forward articles.  We are volunteers and devote our time to bring tangible results for our communities.

Please support Assyrian activists and friends of Assyrians.

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  • Donate — donating and helping support these online projects
  • Shop — shopping and purchasing items through our business affiliations website links
  • Fundraise — having fundraising efforts within your local organizations and communities to financially support our Internet presence
  • Volunteer — volunteering to write articles or gathering historical documentation and photographs, and sharing that information with us through our development forums which will eventually appear on various sections of the website

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activist \ak-ti,-vist\ noun (1915) 1 : a person who campaigns for political or social change 2 : a doctrine or practice that emphasizes direct vigorous action (as a mass demonstration) in support of or opposition to one side of a controversial issue — ac•tiv•is•m \ak-tiv-,iz-em\ nounac•tiv•is•tic \ak-tiv-,'is-tik\ adjective

mentor \'men-tór, 'ment-er\ noun [Latin, from Greek Mentor] 1 cap : a friend of Odysseus entrusted with the education of Odysseus' son Telemachus 2 : an experienced person in an organization or institution who trains and advises new employees or students 3 a : a trusted counselor or guide b : TUTOR, COACH — men•tor•ship \-,ship\ noun

moderator \'mäd-e-,rät-er\ noun (1560) 1 : one who arbitrates : MEDIATOR 2 : one who presides over an assembly, meeting, or discussion: as a : the presiding officer of a Presbyterian governing body b : the nonpartisan presiding officer of a town meeting c : the chairman of a discussion group 3 : a substance (as a graphic) used for slowing down neutrons in a nuclear reactor — mod•er•a•tor•ship \-,ship\ noun

teacher \te-cher\ noun (14th century) [Aramaic: malpana | Assyrian: mulammidu] 1 : one that teaches; esp : one whose occupation is to instruct 2 : a Mormon ranking above a deacon in the Aaronic priesthood

Sources: Helsinki Neo-Assyrian Dictionary | Aramaic Dictionary | Oxford English Dictionary | Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary


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Assyria \ã-'sir-é-ä\ n (1998)   1:  an ancient empire of Ashur   2:  a democratic state in Bet-Nahren, Assyria (northern Iraq, northwestern Iran, southeastern Turkey and eastern Syria.)   3:  a democratic state that fosters the social and political rights to all of its inhabitants irrespective of their religion, race, or gender   4:  a democratic state that believes in the freedom of religion, conscience, language, education and culture in faithfulness to the principles of the United Nations Charter — Atour synonym

Ethnicity, Religion, Language
» Israeli, Jewish, Hebrew
» Assyrian, Christian, Aramaic
» Saudi Arabian, Muslim, Arabic
Assyrian \ã-'sir-é-an\ adj or n (1998)   1:  descendants of the ancient empire of Ashur   2:  the Assyrians, although representing but one single nation as the direct heirs of the ancient Assyrian Empire, are now doctrinally divided, inter sese, into five principle ecclesiastically designated religious sects with their corresponding hierarchies and distinct church governments, namely, Church of the East, Chaldean, Maronite, Syriac Orthodox and Syriac Catholic.  These formal divisions had their origin in the 5th century of the Christian Era.  No one can coherently understand the Assyrians as a whole until he can distinguish that which is religion or church from that which is nation -- a matter which is particularly difficult for the people from the western world to understand; for in the East, by force of circumstances beyond their control, religion has been made, from time immemorial, virtually into a criterion of nationality.   3:  the Assyrians have been referred to as Aramaean, Aramaye, Ashuraya, Ashureen, Ashuri, Ashuroyo, Assyrio-Chaldean, Aturaya, Chaldean, Chaldo, ChaldoAssyrian, ChaldoAssyrio, Jacobite, Kaldany, Kaldu, Kasdu, Malabar, Maronite, Maronaya, Nestorian, Nestornaye, Oromoye, Suraya, Syriac, Syrian, Syriani, Suryoye, Suryoyo and Telkeffee. — Assyrianism verb

Aramaic \ar-é-'máik\ n (1998)   1:  a Semitic language which became the lingua franca of the Middle East during the ancient Assyrian empire.   2:  has been referred to as Neo-Aramaic, Neo-Syriac, Classical Syriac, Syriac, Suryoyo, Swadaya and Turoyo.

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