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Thank you for your interest in becoming a sponsor in our advertising system
and in supporting these online website projects.

 Sponsorship is a 3-step process.

  1. Complete the required information and send this online application.
    (see form below)
  2. Upon approval, we will contact you via email and/or telephone
    with payment options information.
  3. Once payment is received, we will begin to develop your advertising banner.
    Upon your approval, we will include it in the advertising system.

Advertising Information

SEE IT LIVE!  The actual advertising system with the current banners are displayed at the top of the pages at the history, people, television and radio, library, forums, community, and directory sections, including within various categories such as the news, education, government, religion, financial, health, fine arts, and sports archives.

  • We will work together with you in creating a banner image based on the information from your application, business card, and/or other advertising material you provide.
  • Your newly created banner image will be sized at 468 x 60 pixels to be displayed within the various website sections on an equal rotating basis with other sponsors.

    A smaller version of the same image will be sized at 200 x 26 pixels to be displayed on the main entry page at atour.com, together with other sponsors.

  • As part of the sponsorship program, your banner will be integrated within our search system and will be displayed based on a match from users' keywords searched.
    Example:  this is an actual search result for a “banquet hall” displaying the advertising banner of one of our current sponsors relating to the search words.
  • We will build a permanent Internet homepage for your business or organization on our server, with links to your website if available, similar to our existing sponsors.
    Example:  https://aim.atour.com/sponsors/yourname
    For your convenience, if you decide not to renew your sponsorship, this homepage will remain online.  However, the banners will be removed from our advertising and search systems.  We appreciate and value your sponsorship, and hope we can continue to develop these website projects with your sponsorship support.

Thank you for your interest in advertising in this server project.  We look forward to receiving your application and to further promote your organization or business online.


Assyrian Information Management (AIM)


Sponsorship Application (Step 1 of 3)

Atour (AIM)
P.O. Box 805471
Chicago, Illinois 60680 U.S.A.

General Information

Referred by:  
Assyrian: YesNo
Full name:
Website URL:
(if any)
Company name:
(or organization)
Mobile Telephone:
Full address:
(Company or
Number, Street
City, State, Zip,
Profile Information:
(Please tell us
about your company
or organization)

Attachment Information  (company or organization's logo, brochure and related information)

Files: 100 MB maximum JPG, GIF, PNG, WEBM, OGV-A, MP4, MP3, ODT, DOC, EPUB, PDF, RAR or ZIP files
Anti-SPAM Information  (required)

NO SPAM: This secure communications feature is provided for individuals and organizations to send Assyrian-related information.  You agree not to send automated or manual SPAM, sales or any other form of advertisement messages. By clicking OK send Sponsorship Application, you agree to our guidelines and to be held responsible for your actions.

 Anti-Spam Information
Enter these characters
(not case sensitive)
  This procedure may take several minutes to receive a confirmation message, depending on the size of the attachment file(s), if any, and your Internet connection.  Thank you for your patience during this process.

Actual advertisement banner locations shown on various sections of the websites on this server.
Actual advertisement banner locations shown on
various sections of the websites on this server.

Total Advertisements:   

Number of Impressions
to Click Ratio average:

Current Advertising Statistics

Assyrian Information Management.  Terms of Service, Copyright and Privacy.